Hi friends- I recently asked for your participation in a survey that I am conducting with parents and caregivers of individuals living with FOXG1 Syndrome. I am asking all of you to complete a set of online questionnaires concerning anxiety, stress, and coping.
This set of questionnaires should take you approximately 20 – 25 minutes to complete. If you have already completed this survey, I appreciate your participation! If you have not responded to this survey, I encourage you to take a few minutes and complete the survey.
Don’t forget, for every completed survey I will donate a dollar to the International FOXG1 Foundation.
Please click the link below to go to the survey website (or copy and paste the survey link into your internet browser) and then enter the personal access code to begin the survey.
Your response is important and your answers are confidential. Getting direct input from parents regarding this topic will help guide the development of research on this topic. Thank you for your assistance in this study!
Heather Norwood
Executive Director
International FOXG1 Foundation
(413) 214-4192
Families United For a Cure